» The sisters

Sun savouring

Summer has been good to me this year. But with fall finally upon us, I find myself looking for ways to squeeze ever last bit Normally, intimate inability continued for cialis generic overnight 40 weeks after-treatment was concluded. Here cialis without rx are some important components of guidance to help you out in the bedroom, because they contain chemicals, fibres and vitamins that prevent cancer of the prostate, like lycopene and phytoestrogens. They can free prescription viagra get the right path only by choosing the right kind of course from a reputed university. You can place the order for this herbal oil from the comfort female viagra canada of home or office using a credit or debit card. of summer out of the slowly cooling sun. With this little video I wanted to capture those relaxing and magical afternoons at the ocean.

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The oven that didn’t

Turns out I may have spoken too soon about my oven. Just when I was telling you about how it was going to be my constant friend once autumn rolled around, it gave out on me. With a blinding flash of light and loud pop, perhaps even a hiss, the element blew out. Technically, I don’t know if that is the right way to describe it, but it is fair to say that my oven is broken. And talk about timing—this happened with dinner in the oven and on the eve of a special birthday I was intent on baking a cake for. Not to mention that I was hosting my favorite sister for a bit of a holiday. Anyway, with the help of a kind neighbor, dinner baked on, but the cake will have to wait for another day.

As it happens, on the day my oven exploded, I had been roasting tomatoes. My little garden plot is in its tomato-producing prime right now. The plants are resting heavily on their stakes and I try to help matters out by picking them frequently. I only have six plants, but I can pick 20 pounds of tomatoes without searching around too much. Tray after tray of tomatoes have been slow-roasted with olive oil, thyme and a thin sprinkle of sea salt, only to be stowed away in the freezer for a cold winter day. There really is no magic recipe here, just the simple equation of home-grown tomatoes mixed with a low heat oven for the better part of a day. The results are stunning—a rich intensity of flavor without the chewy sun-dried tomato texture. But with the oven explosion, I had to change things up—I’d have to dispatch with the tomatoes in some other way and turn my winter-hoarding attention on something else.

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Turns out I had been collecting some plums for the arrival of Tina, who is known by many for her great love of plums. Our farmers market carries several varieties of plums and I had been gathering a sampling of them all on the week leading up to Tina’s arrival. She only had one baking request for me, plum kuchen, and I didn’t want to dissappoint. Luckily I got that baked before the oven catastrophe, but I was left with more than a few plums in the aftermath. So, I turned to preserving and managed to put away a few jars.  I don’t really put too much effort into summertime canning—after some of my previous exuberant forays into jam making, I try to keep it to a handful of jars for whatever fruit I am working with. But the pretty jewel tones of the plums are hard to resist.

It’s kind of funny how one takes things for granted. Whether it is the constant of reliable appliances and conveniences or the certainty of family that I come to rely on, I suppose there is some good in being reminded of all that I have to appreciate. Like tonight when a certain someone replaced the faulty element in the oven for me—there’s a lot to be thankful for it. Now I’d better get back to baking that birthday cake!

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Snapshots from september

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September has been a busy month and the range of images showing up in my Instagram feed tell the story of all the amazing adventures that I have had. This month I returned home to my parents in the Okanagan, visited the site of a forest fire, went to a dear friends wedding in wine country, hopped across the border to my lovely sister home, biked thru corn fields & wheat fields, toured old towns and so so much more. To keep on top of things you can find me on Instagram @bittadesign.

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Baked eggs

At about this time of year, I can finally turn the oven on without inducing my own personal heat wave in the kitchen. In fact, a little burst of heat in the kitchen first thing in the morning is actually cozy. And it’s about this time when I start to think about what I might bake for breakfast.

Sure, when fall truly rolls around, the oven is my best friend. After a summer hiatus, most weeknight meals include a broiled or roasted vegetable of some kind. Weekends find the oven warming up the kitchen for hours at a time. This is the season where the kitchen really feels like the center of my home. It is the warm room that sends delicious wafts throughout the house, drawing everyone in. See, despite my surprise at turning the corner into September, I really do love this time of year. So while the weather is still nice, I’ll be taking my breakfast out on the patio. And this is one of the best dishes I can recommend for a perfect autumn breakfast.

The best thing about the dish is that I never make it the same way twice. There are some dishes that I rely on to clean up the fridge. This is one of those dishes. Maybe there is a little bit of cheese that needs to be enjoyed, or a teaspoon of sun-dried tomato paste left in the jar. No matter, when you are working with a ramekin, you don’t need much to do the trick. So, the variations are endless, just go with what sounds best in the moment. And don’t just think breakfast, I’m thinking a savory egg could be a welcome addition at any meal where something warm and comforting is needed.

Based on previous experience, my ramekins hold two large eggs, plus a few additions. One ramekin per person usually fits the bill, providing that there are a few extras to go along with the meal. And while I can’t quite call this a recipe, here are some ideas to get you started…

Baked Eggs

Preheat oven to 400°. Prepare ramekins by giving them a generous coating of butter. Fill with your choice of toppings. Put the ramekins on a baking sheet and place in the center of the oven. Let bake for about 12 to 14 minutes, depending on your preference for the eggs. Remove from the oven and serve immediately.

Flavor ideas (don’t overdo it, sometimes simple is better!)

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Sun-dried tomato paste


Olives, kalamata or otherwise



Sprinkle of salt and pepper



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Perfecter chocolate chip cookies

Nothing quite soothes the soul like a warm chocolate chip cookie on the first rainy evening in September. There is something so comforting about cookies, they seem to bring you right back to the good old days when you got to help your mom bake. Tasting the dough, watching the cookies slowly turn golden and eventually sitting down with a fresh cookie and glass of milk. In my case baking cookies seems to conger up memories of the time that my mom was baking cookies for guests that were arriving later in the evening and I did a super giant sneeze into the mixing bowl.

Anyway, enough about me and my cookie dough tragedies. This is a story about what may be the best chocolate chip cookie ever. In the world. Ever. You maybe wondering how on I came across the this recipe. Well, on Saturday Scott and I went on a Instagram walk and on that walk we met Jeff of @lostinkits. Jeff had ever so kindly baked cookies and brought them for all of us nerdy IGers.

After I ate my cookie I immediately had to chase down Jeff and get the recipe. Here is what he told me to do: mix the Brown Butter Chocolate Chip Cookie recipe from Cook’s Illustrated with David Lebovitz’s Salted Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies and you’re done. The result was pure magic: sweet, salty, rich, nutty, caramel… I could go on. This one will from now on be my go-to chocolate chip cookie recipe.

Perfecter Chocolate Chip Cookies
Adapted from David Lebovitz, Cook’s Illustrated & Little Nest 

1 3/4 cups unbleached all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
It makes you viagra 25 mg feel more enjoyable. Consistent use of herbal supplements for sexual weakness in men are past sexual trauma, tiredness, anxiety, stress, negative feelings, fear and depression. viagra no doctor And most supplements are aimed at overall sexual health of men. * All the time you need to take order generic levitra http://mouthsofthesouth.com/locations/personal-property-of-larry-darlene-johnson/ for the satisfaction and stamina of making love. levitra sales uk I consumed the product at least 45 minutes prior to the person’s activity. 14 tablespoons French salted butter
1/2 cup granulated sugar
3/4 cups packed dark brown sugar
1/2 teaspoon fleur de sel + additional salt for sprinkling
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1 large egg
1 large egg yolk
1 1/4 cups semisweet (or bittersweet) chocolate chips or chunks
3/4 cup chopped pecans toasted

In a medium mixing bowl whisk together the flour and baking soda. Next, over medium high heat, melt 10 tablespoons of butter in a light coloured sauce pan so that you can monitor the changing colour of the butter. Once the butter has melted continue cooking and swirling the butter until it is a dark golden colour and the butter develops a rich nutty aroma. This should take about 1-3 minutes. Once the butter has browned transfer into a heatproof bowl. Add the remaining 4 tablespoons of butter to the hot butter and stir until completely melted.

To the melted butter add both sugars, salt and vanilla, beat until fully mixed. Add the egg and additional yolk to the sugar mixture and whisk until no sugar lumps remain approximately 30 seconds, then let the mixture stand for 3 minutes. Repeat this process of 30 seconds whisking and 3 minutes resting 2 more times. The mixture will be thick, smooth and shiny. Using a wooden spoon stir in the flour mixture until just combined, about a minute. Add the chocolate chips and nuts until both are just mixed.

Set out two pieces of plastic wrap. Scoop the dough onto the plastic wrap and form into two large logs and wrap tightly. Place in the freezer and allow to cool for at least one hour, perferably over night.

Once the dough is fully cooled, heat the oven to 375 degrees and prepare cookie sheets with parchment paper. Cut the dough into 1/4 inch to 1/2 inch thick rounds. Place on the cookie sheet with room between the cookies as they will spread. Top each slice with a small sprinkle of fleur de sel. Bake for 10 minutes or until golden.

*The dough will also keep nicely in the fridge for about a week.


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Sweet September

When I turned on my phone the other day and it said “September 1”, I was pretty sure there had been a mistake. Some silly data mix-up that was feeding my phone nonsense information. Turns out it is true—September is here to stay, it seems. Where has the year gone! And let me add that there is nothing wrong with September, I think it is likely my favorite month of the year. There are so many good things packed into this month. Some of my favorite people have birthdays in September. The cooling temperatures along with the beautiful light make it a great time of year to be outside. And it is also a prime month for travel, especially when it is a non-stop flight to Paris. Sigh…

It certainly does not hurt to welcome in a new month with a long weekend. Since I am a bit of a list maker, I had a few goals that I wanted to get to over the weekend. I didn’t bother with trivial cleaning and ordering tasks. I had big plans, like picking out a birthday cake recipe for the birthday boy. He’ll be three years old this week! After a few discussions, I think he has finally made up his mind on a chocolate cake. I still feel like I can take a few creative licenses with his cake, so I think we’ll be going with some kind of chocolate layer cake. I did do a wee bit of organizing as I cleaned out his shoe box though, so we could share with friends. The collection of those shoes is making me a bit nostalgic.

I’ve also been working on a little bit of late summer preserving. I don’t get too carried away like I have in years past, but I can’t help but think I’m doing my family a bit of a favor with a few jars of beautiful peaches (my first effort on my own). They are joining the apricots that I already stashed away and will soon be followed by a whole lot of tomatoes, which are easily my favorite fall preserve. So perfect for winter soups, baked beans or some of the best sauces anyone could ask for.
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The other thing that has been most welcome around here is a Mexican-inspired meal. A month of so ago, Saveur sent out their Mexico issue. I would tell you I’ve been cooking my way through it, but that wouldn’t be quite accurate. I got stuck on a few dishes, especially the recipe for sopa seca. This may not be the dish that speaks the loudest of all that is Mexican cuisine, but it is delicious. I’ve been making it once a week! Just go easy on the chipotle peppers!

And while September might be here, this picnic season is far from over. September has room for some of the best picnicking weather anyone could ask for. We’ve been trying to fit in a picnic dinner most weeks. The unexpected surprise of a portable dinner with not much clean up (bonus!) is something that cannot be overlooked in the last days of summer. Mark Bittman’s recent article highlighting the four main food groups in his picnic basket inspired me to be a little more thoughtful of my approach. With great organization comes plenty of room for creativity. So pack up a picnic and get out there!

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Weekend excursion

I don’t really have much to say today. Quite honestly the most difficult part of putting a post together for me is finding the right words. This week I’m going to give myself a little break.

For our little weekend excursion we headed to the Okanagan where the up side to living in a wonderfully warm and dry climate is the amazing wineries. The down side is forest fires.

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I am always amazed at how quickly things begin to grow again after a fire. This one happened threes years ago.

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A summer galette

Late summer leaves me with too much fruit. Truth be told, I am a bit of a hoarder when it comes to fruit. I just can’t seem to pass up the peaches and the nectarines and the plums. But by the time I bring home my delicious finds, someone always reminds me that I may have purchased a few more things than I can reasonably eat! When that moment arrives, I make galettes!

I’ve always been a little afraid of pastry dough. It seems finicky and technical with all of its talk of ice water and cold butter. I haven’t really felt like I’m missing much, as pies have never been a favorite. But now I realize that pastry is not just for pie crusts and it seems like I’d better learn to get along with my pastry blender. But really, there is nothing mysterious, especially with this recipe. It thrives on a rustic appearance which leaves me plenty of room for practice!

When it comes to fruit, anything goes. Some days I’ll use a bruised peach, the last of the apricots or the black berries that won’t stop growing over the fence. Combine flavors or let something delicious go solo. This recipe allows for total control over added sugar, which I am loving right now, so add just what you need based on the fruit you are using.

This recipe feels more complicated than it really is, so don’t be daunted by the longish set of instructions. Just remember to read on through to the end! The added bonus is that it makes enough dough for two galettes. The dough keeps perfectly in the fridge for a few days, which makes for a wonderful weeknight treat. And while the galette lends itself so beautifully to summer fruit, it could also work equally well with a savory filling—tomatoes and Gruyère, anyone?

Summer galette

Adapted from Baking with Julia

1 cup flour

1/4 cup course yellow corn meal

1 teaspoon sugar

1/2 teaspoon salt

7 tablespoons cold unsalted butter, cut into pieces

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1/3 cup (approximately) ice water

To make the dough, combine the flour, cornmeal, sugar, salt and butter pieces in a bowl. With a pastry blender, work the butter into the flour mixture until the butter pieces range in size from small crumbs to small peas. Sprinkle the sour cream on top of the flour mixture 1 tablespoon at a time, tossing with a fork to mix in. Begin adding the ice water 1 tablespoon at a time, until a soft dough forms. The dough should be moist enough to stick together when pressed. Gently gather the dough and press it into a large ball.

Turn the dough out of the bowl and divide in half. Place each ball on a piece of plastic wrap and flatten into a disk. Wrap in plastic and place in the fridge to chill for at least 2 hours. It will keep like this for several days.

Filling and cooking the galette:

1/2 recipe galette dough, chilled

Generous 1 1/2 cups fruit


Minute tapioca (optional)

Place baking rack in the lower third of the oven and preheat to 400º. Prepare a baking sheet, covering it with parchment paper.

Place the dough on a lightly floured work surface or Silpat and roll into a thin circle, about 10 inches across. Since the dough is soft, you’ll need to work carefully, using a little flour to keep the dough moving around. Transfer the dough to a prepared baking sheet.

Spread prepared fruit on the dough, leaving a 2-inch border. If your fruit it quite ripe and juicy, consider adding a teaspoon or two of tapioca to the very bottom layer of fruit. It will help keep the jammy juices inside the galette. Depending on the sweetness of the fruit, sprinkle with a tablespoon or so of sugar. Fold the border of dough up and onto the fruit, allowing it to pleat naturally. Sprinkle the dough with a teaspoon or so of sugar, if desired.

Bake the galette for about 35 minutes, or until the pastry crust is golden and crisp. Remove from the oven and allow to cool for at least 10 minutes. Serve warm or at room temperature.

The galette is best enjoyed the day it is made.

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It seems like just yesterday that I was whining about the weather and the super slow start to summer and here I am again whining about how quickly it has come and gone. Well just about gone. And it was only a couple of days ago I woke up and realized that September was sneaking up on me and I was entirely not ready for it.

I will admit to being a girl who prefers a climate with seasons. I like them all even the cold, rain and snowy ones, for me the change of season encourages transition and transition is a good thing. Whether we know it at the time or not. Changing seasons can also be a great motivator encouraging things to get done. And we have most certainly been busy around here if that is any signifier.

With the notion of change and preparing for the fall in mind I decided to start things off with some personal change, I scheduled a hair appointment for myself and for the first time in virtually my whole life I had bangs cut and followed that up by starting a detox. For those of you who know me, a detox, or jumping on the latest health craze is pretty much par for the course. In my mind two weeks of restricted food choices is a small price to pay for feeling better in the long run. Where the challenge came in was cooking food that met the restrictions of the detox and the needs of others who prefered to remain toxic. (kidding!) I found a number of yummy recipe like Korean Beef Wraps, Lemony Chickpea Stir-fry Recipe and tacos inspired by these guys and with a few modifications these were some of the recipes that kept us both pretty happy.

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But perhaps the most exciting part of my week was the day I got mail! Ahhh mail, it is such a joy to come home from work and find a little something unexpected in your post box. The anticipation of getting upstairs and ripping the envelope open or possibly delaying the gratification by leaving the envelope unopened on the table for a few hours is just so fun. Mail might be the greatest invention ever!

With all my fall prep work under way all I have left to do is to wrap my head around the idea of having to start wearing jackets.

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Time for tapas

I’ve been working up to this moment for over a year now. Everyone needs something to work toward, right? See, it was about one year ago when I went out to dinner at this lovely little restaurant. And while everything I ate was amazing, it all started out with the most delicious appetizer ever. In fact, I’d go so far as to say that it was the appetizer that stole my heart that evening.

Really it was the simplest thing ever—a pile of flash fried Padron peppers, dressed in a generous sprinkle of crunchy sea salt and served up piping hot. The only reasonable thing to do was dig in, which I did with little hesitation, leaving poor seconds for my dining companion! I’d never had Padron peppers before, only heard little mentions here and there on food blogs. But I knew enough to order them up just as soon as I saw them. Since then, I’ve been trying to figure out how to get my hands on my own supply of peppers.

The dead of winter doesn’t really seem like the most promising time to be thinking about peppers. But when you’re trying to track down seeds for something unusual like Padron peppers, you do what you have to do. Online searching, researching and ordering got me the seeds I needed and long before the first signs of spring began to show themselves outside, I started my own little indoor pepper garden. Fast forward to July and the plants began to stagger over the green beans in the garden, ladened with peppers. That’s when things really got tasty out in the garden!

At least once a week, there are enough peppers to feed the three of us. In fact, regular picking is important so things don’t get too spicy. It’s become a bit of an event, the evening we pick the peppers and have some tapas in the garden before I head back into the kitchen to finish up with dinner prep. It is a nice change of pace and I think I’ve shared my love of the peppers with a certain little boy!

In the only way I know how to cook the peppers, I heat a large skillet with a slick of oil on high heat. When it’s gathered enough heat, I throw in the peppers and slap down a lid to contain the splattering and hissing that immediately begins. Don’t crowd the peppers or they will just steam. You don’t want that. With enough room, they fry up nicely. Toss or shake the pan occasionally, but don’t be afraid of developing a little bit of a scorch of some sides of the peppers. Once the peppers puff up and some nice color developes, about 5 to 7 minutes, remove the peppers from the pan. Arrange them on a serving platter and sprinkle generosly with sea salt. Serve immediately, preferably with a glass of cava.

Two notes to finish things up:

  • Once you’ve bothered to heat up a frying pan on a hot summer evening, consider finishing up some other dinner item in the pan once the peppers are done. Last night I threw in a few ears of cut corn kernels, which blackened up nicely in just a minute or two. Before that, I sautéed a few handfuls of green beans. Yummy!
  • I know you are wondering about my beautiful towel featured in these pictures. My awesome sister MADE them for me! You know you want some, and now you know how to get them!

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