Not all picnics are created equal, and that’s a good thing. My personal philosophy around picnics is that anything not eaten around the primary table in my house classifies as a picnic. This means that winters are filled with couch picnics and the summer with patio picnics.
I am totally and completely into picnics. The change of scenery offers such a retreat from the everyday. Picnics allow you to slow down, enjoy your dinner and the company you are with. And thus they need to be celebrated. Over the next few weeks here at The Albrecht we are going to share with you all that we know about picnics and today I’m going to start with the patio picnic.
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Patio picnics could be called deck picnics, yard picnics or garden picnics, whatever you like and they are held anywhere outside of the four walls that you call home. Because I have no yard, my only option is my patio, unless you would like to count the front steps, which I have actually picnicked on before as well. When you are arranging a patio picnic comfort is king. Don’t get held up on the notion that you need to eat at a table. Throw down a blanket, or a couple of pillows and you’re set. Our patio only has a coffee table so l like to lay out a few fluffy pillows for people to sit or kneel on. A cozy throw can also be the difference between rushing through dinner to get back inside to warm up (since we really aren’t even in summer yet) and an evening spent enjoying the sunset. The other delightful thing about a patio picnic is that you can put a little more thought and attention into the mood. Bring out a few lanterns, candles or even a string or two of white Christmas lights.

With the close proximity to your kitchen you don’t have to rely on traditional picnic food or serving dishes for that matter. That isn’t to say that I would say no to having baguette, wine and cheese at my patio picnics, it just means that I might go to a little more trouble for one or two items. Maybe try a warm dish or maybe something cooked on the grill. If you are looking for a little inspiration try these
Artichokes Basted with Anchovy Butter. You will thank me! Now get out there and eat dinner outside tonight.