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Dutch baby

Growing up, breakfast wasn’t exactly my favourite meal. My mom was pretty adamant that Ginger and I needed to have a nutritious start and on most days that meant oatmeal, with the occasional bowl of Cheerios. But every once in a while we would luck out and my mom would make Dutch Babies.

Not only are Dutch Babies easy to make they are also delicious. But, the best thing about them is the 20 minutes you end up spending sitting in front of the oven watching them bake.

Dutch Babies

1/4 cup butter (cut into cubes)
3 eggs (room temperature)
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1/4 cup corn starch
1/2 cup flour
1/8 teaspoon salt

With a 9×9″ ceramic pan or iron skillet in the oven, per heat to 425 degrees. I like to let the oven heat for a good 30 minutes. Once the pan is good and hot and the milk and eggs have warmed, add the cubed butter to the pan in the oven.

While the butter melts blend together eggs, then milk and finally adding the flour, cornstartch and salt. Blend until just mixed, about 30 seconds. Once the butter has melted and is just starting to brown, quickly pull the pan from the oven, add the batter and return the pan to the over. Bake for 20 minutes.

Dust with icing sugar and serve immediately topped with maple syrup or fruit.

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