It seems like just yesterday that I was whining about the weather and the super slow start to summer and here I am again whining about how quickly it has come and gone. Well just about gone. And it was only a couple of days ago I woke up and realized that September was sneaking up on me and I was entirely not ready for it.
I will admit to being a girl who prefers a climate with seasons. I like them all even the cold, rain and snowy ones, for me the change of season encourages transition and transition is a good thing. Whether we know it at the time or not. Changing seasons can also be a great motivator encouraging things to get done. And we have most certainly been busy around here if that is any signifier.

With the notion of change and preparing for the fall in mind I decided to start things off with some personal change, I scheduled a hair appointment for myself and for the first time in virtually my whole life I had bangs cut and followed that up by starting a detox. For those of you who know me, a detox, or jumping on the latest health craze is pretty much par for the course. In my mind two weeks of restricted food choices is a small price to pay for feeling better in the long run. Where the challenge came in was cooking food that met the restrictions of the detox and the needs of others who prefered to remain toxic. (kidding!) I found a number of yummy recipe like Korean Beef Wraps, Lemony Chickpea Stir-fry Recipe and tacos inspired by these guys and with a few modifications these were some of the recipes that kept us both pretty happy.

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But perhaps the most exciting part of my week was the day I got mail! Ahhh mail, it is such a joy to come home from work and find a little something unexpected in your post box. The anticipation of getting upstairs and ripping the envelope open or possibly delaying the gratification by leaving the envelope unopened on the table for a few hours is just so fun. Mail might be the greatest invention ever!

With all my fall prep work under way all I have left to do is to wrap my head around the idea of having to start wearing jackets.