Tag archive for Italian

Autumn dinner

I’m really excited to share a little project Tina and I have been working on. It’s no surprise that we’re all about good food here—sometimes it’s fast and tasty, other times the recipes are better suited to a weekend meal. But never have we tackled a meal, a full range of dishes that you can pair together for a meal with family and friends, until now. That’s right, Tina and I got together and planned this meal to share with all of you. We prepped and cooked together, perhaps even danced around the kitchen a bit, despite an oven that blew up on us! We had some bites and bubbles in the garden, even using some of our bites to barter for oven space from a friend! Then we moved to the patio for a meal—warm in the late afternoon sun. And then we shared it all right here! I hope you will love what we’ve put together for you. Here is a little sample to get you started…

Simple and delicious, this meal comes together quickly, whether you prepare it in advance, or with a little help from friends on a leisurely afternoon. And with this handy PDF as a starting point, you could even share it around to friends as a shopping list for their contribution to the meal. However you put it together, I hope you’ll enjoy some good food with friends soon.
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Click here to download the PDF, Dinner with friends, and start the party…


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Dinner with friends

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An all time favourite activity of mine is spending time with my sister. This fall I was lucky enough to spend a good chunk of time with her at her home in Walla Walla. One thing that you should know about Ginger and I is that we always have a plan up our sleeve when we are together, we have been planners ever since we were young. Most of our plans are relatively unspoken, which is often a frustrating point for others. As kids, the majority of our schemes involved Max, our dog, and usually ended with one of us, usually me, getting in trouble. While we have grown up a little and no one gets sent off to their room, we still are actively dreaming up new ideas and projects.
During my fall visit we decided that we wanted to work on a project that would showcase our vast skills and interests: food, photography, design and socializing with friends. So we created Dinner with friends. This booklet is a effortless menu plan for hosting a dinner party. We have brought together a lovely Italian menu that highlights the bounties of fall and is totally a manageable project for just about any cooking skill level. We hope that you are inspired to bring a group of friends and family together to enjoy this fall Italian feast. Now all you need to do is put on an apron and set the table!


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