When I turned on my phone the other day and it said “September 1”, I was pretty sure there had been a mistake. Some silly data mix-up that was feeding my phone nonsense information. Turns out it is true—September is here to stay, it seems. Where has the year gone! And let me add that there is nothing wrong with September, I think it is likely my favorite month of the year. There are so many good things packed into this month. Some of my favorite people have birthdays in September. The cooling temperatures along with the beautiful light make it a great time of year to be outside. And it is also a prime month for travel, especially when it is a non-stop flight to Paris. Sigh…

It certainly does not hurt to welcome in a new month with a long weekend. Since I am a bit of a list maker, I had a few goals that I wanted to get to over the weekend. I didn’t bother with trivial cleaning and ordering tasks. I had big plans, like picking out a birthday cake recipe for the birthday boy. He’ll be three years old this week! After a few discussions, I think he has finally made up his mind on a chocolate cake. I still feel like I can take a few creative licenses with his cake, so I think we’ll be going with some kind of chocolate layer cake. I did do a wee bit of organizing as I cleaned out his shoe box though, so we could share with friends. The collection of those shoes is making me a bit nostalgic.

I’ve also been working on a little bit of late summer preserving. I don’t get too carried away like I have in years past, but I can’t help but think I’m doing my family a bit of a favor with a few jars of beautiful peaches (my first effort on my own). They are joining the apricots that I already stashed away and will soon be followed by a whole lot of tomatoes, which are easily my favorite fall preserve. So perfect for winter soups, baked beans or some of the best sauces anyone could ask for.
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The other thing that has been most welcome around here is a Mexican-inspired meal. A month of so ago, Saveur sent out their Mexico issue. I would tell you I’ve been cooking my way through it, but that wouldn’t be quite accurate. I got stuck on a few dishes, especially the recipe for sopa seca. This may not be the dish that speaks the loudest of all that is Mexican cuisine, but it is delicious. I’ve been making it once a week! Just go easy on the chipotle peppers!

And while September might be here, this picnic season is far from over. September has room for some of the best picnicking weather anyone could ask for. We’ve been trying to fit in a picnic dinner most weeks. The unexpected surprise of a portable dinner with not much clean up (bonus!) is something that cannot be overlooked in the last days of summer. Mark Bittman’s recent article highlighting the four main food groups in his picnic basket inspired me to be a little more thoughtful of my approach. With great organization comes plenty of room for creativity. So pack up a picnic and get out there!