
A grilled salad for summer

It seems like we have been everywhere but home lately. For the last month or so, we’ve packed up and piled into the car most weekends, bound for some destination or other. We’ve seen family and city, spent time camping and celebrating anniversaries. And while I love my fair share of travel, it has put a small crimp in my garden planting routines this spring.

I am happy to report that everything is finally in the ground as of just a few days ago. I might be a little late this year, but I think everything will pull through nicely. Instead of a weekend activity spread over a day or two, it took weeks this year. And my little plot is relatively small. Planting the garden has crept into my week night routines, planting a tomato start or two before dinner or sowing another row of radishes in the early morning before heading off to work. Seriously, people, these things happened!


The radishes are usually the first things I try to get into the garden. The very best radishes always seem to be the early ones, pulled from the ground in the still-cool spring, snappy and crisp. So as soon as the garden is mapped out, in they go. I get a little anxious with radishes—will there be enough for me to get my fill and share? Since their season seems to be so short, I plant them everywhere I can. Here is a little space between the tomatoes and the peppers—it won’t be open space for long, but the radishes will be long eaten and enjoyed before the other plants have filled that space.


The other thing that happens early in the season is our transition to outdoor meals. Weather permitting, we eat almost all of our meals on the patio from May until about September. Maybe October, depending on the day. We’ve already had several meals outside, long afternoon lunches in the spring sun and evening drinks with friends. But it seems like we’ve settled into a good routine and we’re outside every night now. It’s kind of hard to keep the dining room table clear when we’re not eating there much, though.

We also dusted off the barbecue. Now that we’ve reached the long weekends of May, it is almost a requirement! I love this salad for rounding out a meal cooked on the grill. The salad can be prepped quickly and added to the grill at the last minute for a fast finish.


Grilled romaine lettuce salad

Serves 2 per head of lettuce

Wash and trim lettuce. Slice head in half lengthwise and season with a drizzle of olive olive and sprinkle of freshly ground black pepper. Place lettuce, cut side down, on a hot grill and cook until char marks appear, 3 to 5 minutes. Turn and cook a few minutes longer. Serve warm with caesar dressing, lemon wedges, freshly grated Parmesan cheese and more black pepper.


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